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Janus is the Roman god of pathways. In contemporary literature, Janus is depicted as a man with four bearded faces, each pointed at one of the four cardinal directions.

Appearance in the Series[]

In the final book, at the meeting of Elders on the Pyramid of the Sun in Danu Talis, Janus appears to summon the other Elders in the city to a meeting, indicating he has some political power. The Change has been particularly horrible to Janus, as he now has four faces, each of which can act and speak independently. He generally wears a black helmet to hide his appearance, however at meetings he removes this so he can take advantage of the 360-degree view provided by his many heads.


  • Immortality: Janus is Immortal and does not age. Though an immortal may be poisoned or slain in battle, they may live for thousands or millions of years.