The Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel Wiki

The Four Swords of Power were four unique mystical and mysterious swords existing for a long time. They were valued and feared for their powers expressed by themselves and onto their holders. They can used to create leygates and ley lines by the Archons and to create Shadowrealms by the Elders. Their holders will conduct a passive equivalent exchange for using them: obtain experience and powers for gradual spiritual erosion by the swords' respective element (rationality of ice, volatility of fire, chaos of air and order of earth).


The Four Swords of Power date from the Time Before Time and are believed by many to have been fashioned by the ancient Earthlords, although there is debate: Isis, an Earthlord, thinks Earthlords were unlikely to have fashioned the blades, as they worked with different materials; however, as with many Earthlord Artifacts, such as Kulkulan's mirror, the swords can be fueled with blood.

Time Limit[]

The Four Swords of Power will only exist for free use within the period between the Time Before Time to the 21st century 7 June 2007/2012.

John Dee's Sword Quest[]

John Dee began to search out for the Four Swords after being told by Marethyu that his destiny lies with the swords. He first found Joyeuse, then Excalibur and Durendal. At the end of The Sorceress, he finally obtains Clarent, the last of the swords necessary to create leygates and ley lines. Dee can also use Excalibur and Clarent, one in each hand, to create a Shadowrealm gateway and/or a leygate. They are described as being identical except for minor differences in the hilt. Virginia Dare comments on this by saying that she would never individually recognize them, except Clarent, because of its apparent black-and-red blade. Clarent and Excalibur accidentally join together to make a solitary stone sword in The Necromancer by Dr John Dee.

Swords United[]

The prophecy of the Twins of Legend coincided with the gathering of the four swords of power: the Codex of Abraham induced the quester John Dee who held all four swords to eventually place them in front of their future/present/past Aether master: Marethyu. When the Four Swords are combined at the site and event of its unification ritual (Fall of Danu Talis), in the order of 【Clarent】(FIRE), 【Joyeuse】(EARTH), 【Durendal】(AIR) and finally 【Excalibur】(ICE), they create 【Aether】(TIME) . Upon its creation Aether melted into the form of a hook, the Hook of Aether; which is now in the possession of Marethyu.

The Swords[]

There are four main Elemental Swords, one for each of the four Elements, which combine to form the most powerful, the Sword of Aether. Each sword has a twin, except for Aether.  The swords' names, known holders, elements, and twin blades are:

Image Name Known Holders Element Twin Blade
The Enchantress cover

Swords of Power (Top Left)


Roland, Sophie Newman, Josh Newman, and Dee.



Charlemagne, John Dee, Sophie Newman, and Josh Newman.


Excalibur Mars Ultor, King Arthur, Palamedes, Roger Bacon, John Dee, and Josh Newman. Ice Clarent


Cernunnos, Mars Ultor, Mordred, John Dee, Nicholas Flamel, Josh Newman and Palamedes.

Fire Excalibur
To Swords of Power image above---(Top) Durendal, (Bottom) Joyeuse, (Right) Excalibur, (Left) Clarent


Marethyu (Unique)

Time (and all other Swords of Power)



Excalibur, The Sword of Ice, Clarent's twin, is 48 inches long and has a red diamond and dragons engraved on the hilt. Known users include King Arthur, Palamedes, Mars, Josh Newman, and Dr. John Dee. Anyone it hits will freeze, and it can cut through metal and stone. This sword killed Hekate and the great tree Yggdrasil in the Mist Valley Shadowrealm and thus destroying two other Shadowrealms; Asgard and Niflheim, as well as destroying the gates to six others (Nine Realms). It also released Nidhogg, and has a light blue glow to it.


The Sword of Fire, also known as the Coward's Blade, is a 20 inch long sword made of dark grey stone. Unlike the other three swords, its texture is rough and bumpy rather than smooth. Its twin is Excalibur. Anything it touches will either heat up, melt, or catch fire. It is worth noting that when Nidhogg was pierced with the blade, it began growing a lava crust that expanded from the point of entry, namely its tail. It was buried by Nicholas Flamel in Paris.

Known users include Cernunnos, who claimed to have killed King Arthur with it, Mordred (the person who was believed to had killed King Arthur by most immortals), Mars Ultor, Josh Newman (Marethyu), and Dr. John Dee.


Durendal is the Sword of Air, Joyeuse's twin, was used by Roland. It is also known as the indestructible sword. Any flow of energy can be changed, affecting a limited range of physics and magic based on the recognition of the holder.


Joyeuse, the Sword of Earth, Durendal's twin, was carried into battle by Charlemagne. Anything can by physically affected and induce any physical phenomena based on the holder's imagination.


The Sword of Time; shaped like a flat metal hook or sickle, this sword is made by combining all of the four Swords of Power, which will then burn and sear itself into the arm of the user. It form can be changed to a silver hand or golden glove. Currently/eventually in possession of Marethyu, it wields vast powers and grants immortality and invulnerability unlike other Immortals, allowing him to heal from any damage unless he is decapitated or his spine is damaged, although even this cannot kill him, and he is immune to the effects of the Artifacts of Power due to wielding the most powerful of them all. Wielding the Aether also grants total and complete control of five Elemental Magics (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, and Time), the ability to create Shadowrealms (Space-Time), innate eidetic memory and not to mention hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions or even tens of millions of years of knowledge across various timelines. This makes the wielder almost all-powerful and effectively omniscient.

Past Holders in the Books[]

Current Holder[]

Picture Gallery[]
