The Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel Wiki
The Death of Joan of Arc cover
The digital eBook cover
Basic Information
Title The Death of Joan of Arc
Other Names Unknown
Author Michael Scott
Followed Unknown
Followed By Billy the Kid and the Vampyres of Vegas
First Digital Edition Information
General Information Digital eBook exclusive
Publisher Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Publication Date 24 August 2010
Cover Artwork Michael Wagner
Pages 12
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The Death of Joan of Arc is a digitally-exclusive short story written by Michael Scott and published by Delacorte Books for Young Readers. The Death of Joan of Arc is only available in eBook format; no hardcover, paperback, or audiobook formats have been released.

Official Description[]

"Joan of Arc was not burned at the stake in Rouen, France in 1431. She was rescued from certain death by Scathach the Warrior.

The truth about that day is revealed in the last will and testament of William of York, and it will leave you wondering: does Joan of Arc still walk the earth? Michael Scott’s first-ever exclusive ebook short story delves into the world of the bestselling series The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel and offers readers a never-before-seen lost story—the story of two warriors who would become sisters."

— From the author's website


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Books in the Main series
The AlchemystThe MagicianThe SorceressThe NecromancerThe WarlockThe Enchantress
Other books in the Flamel universe
Billy the Kid and the Vampyres of VegasThe Death of Joan of ArcThe Earthlords (Unreleased)